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Treatment for Plantaholics

Treatment for Plantaholics? Not so fast! We know who we are, those of us who suffer from this addiction. We refuse to stop gardening when the season ends. We don’t want treatment! We want a Greenhouse!

We addicts can sometimes get the “blahs” at the end of the gardening season…solution….A Greenhouse!

It’s a long time from Autumn’s last Aster to the first green shoots of Spring, and we Plantaholics are not a patient lot. Greenhouse therapy to the rescue!

By now you must have guessed that I’m a big advocate of Greenhouses.

Greenhouses come in all styles, shapes, and sizes. They’re built and used for a variety of reasons. Some of us use them to overwinter hanging baskets or large house plants. My ficus dies in the dry overheated house, but in the greenhouse it thrives. Last year I had to cut it back because it had reached the ceiling.

Others use their greenhouses to get a jump on vegetables or annuals they grow from seeds. Some house prized collections of orchids, cacti, citrus trees, bromeliads, or succulents. I know a man who has a hot tub in his greenhouse to provide humidity for his orchids….insane….or really smart? I think maybe he’s really fond of those orchids. Typical Plantaholic!

If you’re a Plantaholic, you’ll probably eventually dream of having your own greenhouse. But there are so many questions. What type to get, how big, how much will it cost, how to heat it, are there any regulations in your area. And where do you start to find the answers?

Well…..The Hobby Greenhouse Club is having its FREE Annual Greenhouse Tour on Saturday, March 5, 2022 from 9am-5pm…yes this is a shameless plug….but hey, it’s free.

See a variety of greenhouses, large and small. Meet the owners, ask all the questions you want. Bring the kids…one of the owners has rabbits, chickens, baby chicks, and goats…always a big hit with the little ones.

Start at the Arboretum at 6206, Oleander Dr. There you can pick up a list with addresses, directions, and a map. It’s a self guided tour, so you can see all of them, or pick and choose. While you’re at the Arboretum, check out our raffle items…we have dozens.

Who knows, at the end of the day you may even decide to join the Hobby Greenhouse Club. By the way, you don’t need to have a Greenhouse to join the Club, you just need to be a Plantaholic…like the rest of us!

Come to think of it….a Greenhouse is the perfect treatment for a Plantaholic! OK, I’m on the road to recovery!

Happy Gardening!

Linda Newber