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Club Constitution


Article I – Name

The name of the club shall be The Hobby Greenhouse Club

Article II – Purpose

The purpose of The Hobby Greenhouse Club shall be to provide for those people interested in the building and maintaining of greenhouses and in the appreciation of plants and gardens in general, a club in which they may share their interests, expertise, and enthusiasm. Members will be encouraged through their leadership and example to help educate the community in the area of their individual expertise and knowledge.

Article III – Membership and Dues

Membership of the club shall be open to any person. There shall be three categories of membership:

  1. Individual membership for which annual dues shall be determined by membership vote.
  2. Family membership for which the annual dues shall be determined by membership vote. There shall be no restrictions as to what constitutes a family, but a family shall be counted in club records as if it were two individuals and may vote as such at any meeting.
  3. Lifetime membership shall be open to any individual who is voted deserving of the honor by a 2/3 majority of the club members voting at any special or general meeting follow the recommendation of the officers of the club. Life members shall pay no dues.

Dues shall be paid to the treasurer at the time of application to join the club and are renewable on January 1st of each year following their joining of the club.

Article IV – Officers

The officers of the club – the executive committee – shall consist of the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and the immediate past president.

Article V – Committees

The president, with the advice and consent of the executive committee, may establish committees, both standing and temporary, for the smooth execution of the club’s purpose and business. Each of the committees shall have a committee chairperson and it will be the responsibility of each committee chairperson to appoint committee members to help carry out the duties of that committee.

Article VI – Vacancies and Special Committees

The president, with the approval of the other officers, shall fill all vacancies of officers and/or committee chairpersons. The president, with the approval of the other officers, may appoint special committee chairpersons for a designated period of time, including but not limited to, a nominating committee, whose purpose shall be to nominate at least one candidate for each office of the club.

Article VII – Election of Officers and Committee Chairpersons

The officers of the club, i.e. the president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer, shall be elected by a majority vote of the members at a regular meeting to be held in November of each year. The nominating committee shall present the nominees and there shall be a call for nominations from the floor. The chairperson of each committee shall be appointed by the incoming president with the approval of the other incoming officers before the first general meeting following the election. The new officers will begin their term of office on January 1st following the election and each retiring officer and committee chairperson shall turn over to his or her successor all property, records, and information relating to that office at or before the January general meeting.

Article VIII – Meetings

  • Regular meetings shall be held each month at a place and time to be announced to all members at least one week before the date of the meeting.
  • The November meeting shall be held at a place and time to be announced to all members at least one week before the date of the meeting. The announcement shall include the names of members nominated for election as president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer by the nominating committee. At this meeting other members present at the meeting may be nominated for those positions and a vote will be held as described in Article VII.
  • Special meetings shall be called by the president or by a majority vote of the officers of the club or by written petition signed by quorum of members and shall be held at a time and place to be announced to all members at least one week before the date of the meeting. The purpose of the special meeting must be included in the announcement.
  • Executive committee meetings may be called by the president or by a majority vote of the officers of the club and shall be held at a time and place to be announced to all officers and committee chairpersons at least two days before the date of the meeting. Members of the club, other than officers, may attend such meetings but may not vote.

Article IX – Voting

The president will decide if a motion brought up at any general or special meeting may be brought to a vote. If a vote is approved, each adult member present shall have one vote. A quorum for any such vote must be present and a simple majority of members voting on the motion shall cause it to pass. The club Bylaws may be amended by a quorum majority vote.

Article X – Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all meetings of the club except where they are inconsistent with this constitution.

Article XI – Removal of an Officer

An officer of the club may be impeached by written petition signed by a quorum of the members and presented to the immediate past president. Reasons for impeachment are behavior(s) unbecoming to The Hobby Greenhouse Club and/or dereliction of duty. Within one month of the receipt of the letter of impeachment a special meeting must be called. The impeached officer has a right to address the audience. With a quorum present and a 2/3 affirmative vote the officer will be removed. The position of the officer so removed shall be replaced by a vote of the executive committee.

Article XII – Amendments to the Constitution

Amendments to the constitution may be proposed by the officers of the club or by written petition signed by a quorum of members. Amendments proposed by such petition shall be submitted to the membership for a vote within two months. The constitution may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the members voting at a general or special meeting provided that all members are notified that a vote to amend the constitution will be held at that meeting and that any member who wishes to study the proposed changes before the meeting is given that opportunity.

This constitution, upon approval, supersedes all previously published club constitutions.